Sell a property

Perfecting the details for the best possible outcome

Every property is unique

with just as much character as its owner. To be able to successfully sell within the desired timeframe, it’s not enough to carefully work out the right price – you need to highlight the property's strengths and special features, present them in the best possible way, and help potential buyers to react to your property at the emotional level.

The best way to sell property

As an estate agency, we place a strong emphasis on mutual trust and a carefully guided selling process – these are the ideal conditions for achieving the best possible price and the highest levels of customer satisfaction. We achieve the great success e have at selling properties through our deep knowledge of the market and of the available methods, as well as through our exceptional individual expertise when it comes to developing and implementing the right strategies.

Our ambition is your success

Our instinct for quality means that we enjoy a high level of trust amongst buyers and sellers alike. The superb business transactions we provide for our clients are both a result and an expression of the partnerships of trust we build up with property owners. This is the foundation which permits smooth and transparent communication during every single step of the selling process.

This is how we achieve the clear advantage we have over other estate agents.

What is my property worth?

Allow us to value your flat, your house, or your plot of land – it’s easy to do, non-binding and, of course, free of charge. We’ll help you to determine the best possible price, and we’ll then develop the strategy needed in order to achieve it.

Our references

What our customers say

»Believe me: If you need an estate agent – you need Semmelrock!«
Silvio and Sarka H, Berlin, sellers of a detached house
»Highly recommended! Mr Semmelrock’s team just does a fantastic job. Professional, focussed, and fully committed to the task, Mr Semmelrock sold our property in no time. The presentation of our property and the support and communication provided during the selling process were perfect.«
Michaela and Dirk B, Schöneiche, sellers of a villa
»Thank you for the honest, capable, and trustworthy help. I will definitely be recommending you to others in the future.«
Olaf W, Neutrebbin, seller of an estate
»I was very satisfied. Great service, first class!«
Sven K, England, seller of a freehold apartment
»With the help of Semmelrock Immobilienagentur, everything went extremely smoothly. I always felt that I was being well looked after and was entirely satisfied. I wish you all the same level of success in your future work.«
Erika S, Rangsdorf, seller of a detached home
»It was a refreshing, dynamic, and very professional job on the part of Mr Semmelrock. Working together was a real joy!«
Jessika B, Berlin, seller of an apartment building
»Mr Semmelrock is an estate agent with a heart. He really cares. That’s what really made the whole process of selling such a joy.«
Daniel B, Berlin, asset-manager of an apartment building

Do you have any questions?

We would be delighted to talk to you and provide you with advice, whether by telephone or in person. You can reach us Mondays to Fridays from 10am – 6pm and by appointment.

+49 176 3717 0099


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